Lightroom & Photoshop Workshop Report

Reported by Club Member Laraine.

A couple of weekends ago myself and another couple of members attended the Lightroom and Photoshop workshop put on at the Club. Jeff started the day by making sure we all had the correct software – which sounds like an easy process but did take some time with a few of us having the wrong version of this or that.  

He started at the beginning –

From importing to Lightroom, how to check, align and adjust your picture just right, then export and save. We then imported through Photoshop for some finishing touches. 

To finish off the day Jeff showed us how to make sure our pictures were sized correctly to submit through My Photo Club so we could start submitting entries. He sent us off with a copy of his presentation, so we could go over things again at home if needed. 

Overall it was a great day, and I learnt a lot. I’d recommend that any club members who aren’t quite sure of the whole Lightroom/Photoshop process attend a workshop, because it really does help to get over some of those initial hurdles that seem so daunting at the start. 

Taking your photography to a new level with editing.